Welcome to the Biology 100 Blog!
Monday, Wednesday and Friday lecture, 11:00-11:50 in CLC 107
Friday lab, 9:00-10:50 in HILD 102
Friday lab, 9:00-10:50 in HILD 102
--Attendance at lectures
--Attendance at all laboratories (this is 10% of the final grade)
--Using the online Blackboard resource for notes, announcements and important class information
--Reading assigned pages and chapters in Krough, A Guide to the Natural World.
--Reading and learning the material in the class notes on Blackboard.
--Satisfactory completion (passing grade) of four in-class tests
--Satisfactory completion of all laboratory reports
--Satisfactory completion of a 4-part lab project
--Satisfactory completion of weekly quizzes
--Fair and honest work. Cheating is grounds for expulsion*******Important!*******
Using Blackboard is a course requirement. I will assume that you are checking Blackboard frequently. If you are unable do this, please let me know immediately.
How can you reach me?
I will be available after all lectures and labs and can set up appointments during other times.→Please, please never hesitate to come to me with concerns or problems of any kind. I am more than happy to do whatever I can to help make this class work for you! You can always email me at: epershing@smccme.edu or emily.pershing@gmail.com

My best advice for this class..?
--Read the book to solidify your knowledge and research things we don't go over in lecture
--Come to class and be active (ask questions, take notes).
--Don't fall behind...there's a ton of information and it builds on itself.
--Don't fall behind...there's a ton of information and it builds on itself.
--Take your own notes during lecture if that helps you learn, but absolutely download or read the notes on Blackboard!!
--Read through the notes after each lecture and come with questions if there are things that don't make sense.
--Read through the notes after each lecture and come with questions if there are things that don't make sense.

Other recommended reading:
Alcamo, I. Edward. Biology Coloring Workbook. New York: The Princeton Review, 1998.
This book's title is a silly, but it is a wonderful resource for biology basics. It has many of the concepts we will discuss condensed to a one-page summary...and there are pictures to color! If you are a visual learner, this would be a great $18 investment.